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Standing Committee Appointments

Current membership of standing committees within the Department of History. In any given semester, additional AD HOC committees may also be operating.

College Committees | Department Committees | Additional Positions


College Committees


College of Humanities RPT Committee:
Greg Smoak

College of Humanities Career Development Committee:
Ryan Moran

College of Humanities Faculty Awards Committee:
Danielle Olden

College of Humanities Diversity Committee:
Eric Herschthal
ShawnaKim Lowey-Ball

College of Humanities Curriculum Committee and Undergraduate Committee:
Julie Ault

College of Humanities Executive Committee:
Hugh Cagle

College of Humanities Graduate Committee:
Beth Clement

Council of Dee Fellows:
Rebecca Horn

Senate Representative:
Nadja Durbach

University Athletic Advisory Council:
Matt Basso

Department Committees


RPT Advisory Committee Chair:
Eric Hinderaker

TFR Chair:
Nadja Durbach

Executive Committee:
ShawnaKim Lowey-Ball
Maile Arvin
Isabel Moreira

Intellectual Life Committee:
Rachel Mason Dentinger
Danielle Olden
Eric Hinderaker

Undergraduate Committee:
Julie Ault, Chair
Benjamin Cohen
Brandon Render
Ryan Moran

Graduate Committee:
Elizabeth Clement, Chair
David Bresnahan
Mira Green
Peter Roady

Climate Committee:
Jessica Brumbaugh
Benjamin Cohen
Janet Theiss
Mira Green
Julie Ault
Elizabeth Clement
Paul Reeve
Aidan McMillan
Hannah Salas
Juli Huddleston
Megan Weiss

Honors, History Student Association and Phi Alpha Theta Advisor:
Rachel Mason Dentinger

Additional Positions

Director, International Studies: Hugh Cagle
Director, American West Center: Greg Smoak
Director, Center for Latin American Studies: Susie Porter
Director, Middle East Center: Christopher Low
University Press Faculty Editorial Adisory Committee: Greg Smoak

HGSA Co-Presidents: Juli Huddleston and Megan Weiss
HSA Co-Presidents: Aidan McMillan and Hannah Salas

Last Updated: 6/11/24