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Graduate Handbook & Forms

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Graduate Handbook & Forms


For detailed information on the Department of History’s graduate programs, download the current graduate handbook.

Download the Handbook

These forms must be completed in full, signed by all three parties and given to the History Department’s Graduate Support Person before a class number will be issued.

Directed Readings FormRequest for Taking an UndergraD Course for Graduate Credit

Use this form for both Masters and Doctoral supervisory committees.

Masters and Doctoral Supervisory Committee

Master’s Degree supervisory committee consisting of three faculty members is appointed no later than the second semester of graduate work. The committee chair and the majority of the committee must be tenure-line faculty in the Department of History.

Doctoral Degree supervisory committees consist of five faculty members. The committee chair and the majority of the committee must be tenure-line faculty in the Department of History. One member of the supervisory committee must be from another department. Persons not from the University of Utah may also serve as committee members upon approval of the director of graduate studies and dean of The Graduate School. The supervisory committee needs to be appointed before students take their Qualifying Examination.

Please visit the Thesis Office website for more information about required forms.

Last Updated: 8/23/24