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Tenure Faculty Review Statement


Approved by Tenure-line Faculty of the Department: January 28, 2022
Approved by the Dean, College of Humanities: February 4, 2022
Approved by the Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee: March 25, 2022
Approved by the Sr. Vice President: June 16, 2022, to become effective on July 1, 2022


  1. Preamble

A Tenured Faculty Review (TFR) assists faculty members in their careers and enhances each faculty member’s contributions to the Department and University. We recognize the need for a regular process for assessing and promoting the development and goals of each tenured faculty member. We understand this process to be part of our collegial responsibility and our collective endeavor to enhance our research standing and profile.

Reviews are conducted in accord with the requirements of Utah Board of Higher Education Policy R481 (Post-Tenure Review), University Policy 6-321 (Tenured Faculty Reviews), and this TFR Statement, which has been approved by the Department tenure-line faculty, College Dean, Senate Faculty Review Standards Committee, and cognizant Senior Vice President. 


  1. Procedures

2.1 Semester of Review

Reviews will be conducted in the Spring Semester.

2.2 Notice to Participants

To ensure all review participants are adequately informed of the review scheduling, the Department Chair will:

a. By August 15, provide notice to the departmental TFR Committee of the faculty members due for review each year.

b. By August 15, provide notice to the faculty member undergoing a review of (1) the file closing date, (2) the information and materials the faculty member isrequired to submit for the TFR File, and (3) the faculty member’s right to submit any additional information they desire the departmental TFR Committee to consider. 

c. At least three weeks prior to the file closing date, provide notice to the Department’s faculty and staff of the scheduled reviews for the year, and notify them of the opportunity to submit signed written statements to be included in the TFR file by the specified file closing date.

d. If the reviewed faculty member has a shared-appointment agreement with another academic unit (see Policy 6-303-III-C and Policy 6-001-III-A), the Department Chair must notify that unit’s administrator of the review at least thirty (30) calendar days in advance of the file closing date, giving notice of the TFR Committee meeting date and notice that the unit must submit a report to the Department Chair regarding the faculty member’s contributions no more than ten (10) business days after the file closing date. 


2.3 TFR File

a. The faculty member undergoing a TFR Review shall submit the following items:

  1. A current, coherent, and complete curriculum vitae (CV).

In describing their work faculty will follow lexicon recommended by the American Historical Association as follows:

  1. A written Personal Statement describing relevant activities and accomplishments for the period of time since the faculty member’s most recent formal RPT or TFR review. The Personal Statement should describe the faculty member’s professional development over time and future professional plans. 

  2. Examples of research/creative activity, including documentation of any public history/Community Engaged Scholarship (CES).

  3. The faculty member may provide any other evidence they choose.


b. The Department Chair shall submit the following items by the file closing date:

  1. Course evaluation results for the past five years (developed using the University’s approved Course Feedback Instrument and Report, pursuant to Policy 6-100-III-N).

  2. At least one peer observation conducted within one year of the TFR review.

  3. Prior TFR reports from the previous two TFR Reviews; or, if only one prior TFR Review exists, the TFR report from the previous TFR Review and all reports from the previous Formal RPT Review; or, if no previous TFR Review exists, all reports from the previous Formal RPT Review. In addition to the reports, these materials must include the CV at the time of the prior review(s), any response(s) from the reviewed faculty member, and any report(s) from a shared-appointment unit. 

  4. Any signed, written documents submitted for purposes of the review by any members of the Department faculty or staff.

  5. A written summary of any research, teaching, and/or service contributions by the reviewed faculty member that the Chair is privy to as the administrator of the Department.
  6. Evidence of faculty responsibility. If an administrative reprimand has been issued, that reprimand as well as the latest findings, decisions, or recommendations from University committees or officials arising from the concerns about the faculty member that led to the reprimand will be included in the reviewed faculty member’s file.

  7. Any signed, written report submitted by the head of the unit with whom a faculty member’s appointment is shared due ten (10) business days after the file closing.


2.4 Faculty Member’s Rights Regarding the TFR File

The reviewed faculty member is entitled to see all contents of the TFR file upon request at any time during the review process except any materials protected by confidentiality. The faculty member may respond to any item in the file by written comment submitted within five (5) business days after the specified file closing date. If the file includes a signed written report from a shared-appointment unit, the faculty member may submit a written response within three (3) business days after receipt of the shared-appointment unit report.


2.5 File Closing

The file shall be closed no later than the second Monday in December, which shall be at least ten (10) business days before the TFR Committee meets and prepares its report; unless the reviewed faculty member has a shared appointment, in which case the file 
closing date shall be at least fifteen (15) business days before the TFR Committee meets and prepares its report. The file shall be made available to the TFR Committee only after the faculty member has responded to or waived their opportunity to respond to any item contained in the file.


2.6 TFR Committee Composition

Per University Policy, all tenured faculty members of the department—except for the Department Chair, Dean, and other administrators who are required by the regulations to make their own recommendations—are eligible to serve on the TFR Committee. No member of the TFR Committee may participate in their own review.

There is a main TFR Committee, which consists of all tenured faculty members. From the membership of that main Committee there will be formed annually, for each reviewed faculty member, a smaller Subcommittee of three (3) members assigned to prepare that reviewed faculty member’s draft report. The Subcommittee will be chosen by the TFR Chair in consultation with the candidate and Department Chair. The members of each Subcommittee must be at or above the rank of the faculty member they are assigned to review.

If there are not at least three faculty members eligible to serve on the TFR Committee and TFR Subcommittee for a particular reviewed faculty member, the Department will consult with the Dean’s Office for guidance regarding the “Small Academic Unit Rule” concept (as described in Policy 6-303-III-E). The TFR Committee shall elect the TFR Committee Chair and allocate duties as it deems appropriate. 


2.7 Department TFR Committee Meeting and Committee TFR Report

a. The TFR Committee meeting shall take place no later than the second Friday in March.

b. All TFR Committee deliberations and documents are personnel actions and should be treated with confidentiality in accordance with University policy and state and federal law.

c. Whenever practicable, the Department Chair shall advise all TFR Committee members on leave or otherwise absent of the review and shall request their written opinions in advance of the meeting. Absent members’ written opinions shall be disclosed at the meeting and their votes regarding the Committee TFR Report shall be counted and recorded the same as other votes.

d. By majority vote, the TFR Committee may invite other faculty members, including the Department Chair, to participate in the TFR Committee meeting and discussion of the report. These other participants do not vote.

e. The TFR Committee will meet to discuss the file and to prepare a draft report based upon the Subcommittee’s report reflecting the faculty member’s performance in teaching, research, and service. The report should not be based on any single area.

f. The report shall include a faculty member’s accomplishments and opportunities for further improvement. The report must include the TFR Committee’s overall findings and recommendations. In particular:

    1. The report must include a specific statement of whether the faculty member has made meaningful and sustained contributions such that they are meeting the standards for a tenured faculty member as described below in Section 3. Criteria and Standards.
    2. When appropriate, the report should include commendations and/or strategies and recommendations for improvement of a faculty member’s performance.
    3. When appropriate, the report should include a timeline for follow-up reviews.


g. If the faculty member under review holds a shared appointment, the report shall reflect discussion and consideration of any document submitted by the shared-appointment unit.

h. The TFR Subcommittee may consult with the faculty member while preparing the report to ensure accuracy of included information or to discuss any contemplated recommendations.

i. Following the TFR Committee meeting, the TFR Committee draft report (based on the Subcommittee report) must be shared with all TFR Committee members, and then, if needed, revised based on their review and feedback.

j. The draft report, with any such revisions made, will become the Committee TFR Report when approved by secret ballot of a majority of the TFR Committee members. The outcome of the vote (tallying yay, nay, abstain, and absent votes of all voting committee members) shall be included in the Committee TFR Report, and the report will be signed by the TFR Committee Chair.

k. The TFR Committee Chair shall send the Committee TFR Report to the reviewed faculty member, who has the opportunity but not the obligation to respond in writing within five (5) business days. The Committee TFR Report, and any written response of the reviewed faculty member, will be included in the TFR file.

l. The TFR Committee Chair shall then send the TFR file, including the Committee TFR Report and any response from the reviewed faculty member, to the Department Chair and Dean.


2.8 Finalizing a TFR Report

a. The departmental Committee TFR Report will serve as the Final TFR Report if no party seeks review of the report by the University Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee (UPTAC).

b. As provided in Policy 6-321, if the reviewed faculty member, the Department Chair, or the Dean disagrees with the Committee TFR Report, any of these parties may seek review by UPTAC. A party who chooses to seek review must notify UPTAC of that intention within fifteen (15) business days of receipt of the Committee TFR Report. UPTAC procedures and its role in finalizing the TFR report are described in Policy 6-304 and Policy 6-321


2.9 Action after Final TFR Report

a. If the faculty member is found to be meeting the standards for a tenured faculty member in the department, the cognizant Senior Vice President will formally acknowledge the evaluation and will consult with the Dean and Department Chair to designate an appropriate recognition for the achievement.

b. If the faculty member is found not to be meeting the minimum standards required of a tenured faculty member in the department, the Dean and Department Chair, together with designated members of the TFR Committee and other faculty members as needed, shall work with the reviewed faculty member to implement the recommendations of the Final TFR Report. 



  1. Criteria and Standards


A. The review shall result in a determination of whether the reviewed faculty member is meeting the standards for a tenured member in the Department.

B. Areas considered in TFR are quality of performance (a) in scholarship and research/creative activity; (b) as a teacher; and (c) of service to the University, profession, and public.

C. In order to make meaningful and sustained contributions, a tenured faculty member in the department must:

1. Contribute to the research mission of the University through engagement in a sustainable research/creative activity program, which includes some or all of the following but is not limited to:

a. A record of publications in impactful and peer-reviewed outlets appropriate to one’s field

b. A record of dissemination of creative research in high quality, peer-reviewed venues

c. Consistent research funding sufficient to support one’s research program

d. Invited or peer-reviewed presentations at conferences and other forums to share one’s research findings

e. A record of dissemination of public history and community engaged scholarship including, but not limited to, digitized sources and websites, historic and cultural preservation projects, museum exhibits, archival administration, and oral history projects.

    1. Make sustained contributions to the teaching mission of the Department and University through engagement in course instruction, curriculum/program development, and student advising and mentoring, which includes some or all of the following but is not limited to:

a. Consistently high-quality course instruction

b. Course material and curriculum innovations

c. Awards and honors for course instruction and/or mentoring

d. Consistent record of support of graduate students when applicable through completion

e. Consistent record of support of undergraduate student researchers

    1. Provide sustained service contributions to the profession, the University, and/or the public, which includes some or all of the following but is not limited to:

a. University administration and committee leadership and service

b. College administration and committee leadership and service

c. Department administration and committee leadership and service

d. Professional leadership and service

e. Public or community leadership and service


  1. Relationship to Other Processes

In the course of any review of a tenured faculty member, if an issue arises under the Code of Faculty Rights and Responsibilities (Policy 6-316), such as an issue that is appropriate for consideration by the University’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (Policy 1-012), the Senate Committee on Academic Freedom and Faculty Rights (Policy 6-010), or the Senate Consolidated Hearing Committee (Policy 6-011), that issue should proceed as is appropriate under the relevant Policy. If a case is referred to or a complaint filed with one of these bodies, those entities may request that the tenured faculty review process be suspended until the matter is resolved. 

Last Updated: 6/24/24